Saturday, November 9, 2013

Rarity Weekends

On October 6th, a funky hummingbird turned up at a Manchester, NH feeder. It turned out to be a Calliope Hummingbird, the very first New Hampshire record! It's still there as of November 9th. I went up to see it on the 2nd, and got some great looks and okay pictures.

Then, this weekend, a Western Kingbird was refound at Barrett's Mill Conservation Land in Concord, MA. I went on Friday morning, but the Kingbird had disappeared just a minute before I arrived. Then, on Saturday, I went again, and was successful, but only saw it for about 30 seconds before it disappeared.

Also there were some Rusty Blackbirds (I didn't see any, but others did),  American Tree Sparrows, and a Fox Sparrow.

Good Birding!


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